What happens if I have sent one or more products in the shopping cart?
You will receive an order confirmation after sending the order. We will then take care of the ordered products and ship them. Since we do not keep stocks in this sense, it can take 2-4 weeks or longer until you receive your product, depending on the product you have ordered.
What if I want to return a product?
Please note the respective product page. There is no right of return or cancellation for all items. If you want to return an item with the right of cancellation, please go to the "Cancellation" page and follow the path described there.
Who pays the return shipping costs for a return?
The costs of the return are to be borne by the buyer. See also our terms and conditions.
What contractual relationship do I enter into when placing an order?
With the order you confirm that you have read and accepted our terms and conditions and the right of withdrawal.